Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Sand Crane" Pencil and Acrylic on paper. 3" x 4"

A midwestern bird.
Is this correct, Ephraim?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Gila Monster" Watercolor on paper. 12" x 8"

The loft is absolutely freezing today. Couldn't get it above 40 deg and the enclosure never topped 50 with 4 heat sources. Man, it really needs to warm up. This lizard looks warm, though.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Cave Painting of Zebras" Acrylic on paper. 8" x 6"

Finished painting a 42 x 14 foot wall of the loft today. Could've counted that as painting, but I also painted these Zebras.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Fire Wheel" Acrylic on paper. 10" x 7"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Red Man" Acrylic on paper, 3" x 3"

Nawlins' has its "Blue Dog". Kingawappa has its "Red Man". You may see Red Man doing various things through out the year. Rest assured it will always be something fun and legal. Go Red Man!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Shoe Tie" Acrylic on paper. 2" x 3"

Monday, January 25, 2010

"Thirsty Old Elephant" Acrylic on paper. 7" x 9"

An elephant can smell water from several miles away. This one took just under 2 hours to paint. The goal is quick quality. Or, quality quick. Or maybe quility quack. It's late.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Beach Ball" Acrylic on paper. 6" x 6"

I am a drywall hangin' fool. Record time on this pic. 15 minutes. Loft temp 50 degrees.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

"Mountains" Acrylic on paper, 8" x 7"

Forced myself to bring the sunlight in from the left. Realized I almost never do that. This one is made up as I went along.

Friday, January 22, 2010

"Trouble" Acrylic on paper, 4" x 8"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Country Drive" Acrylic on paper. 8" x 4"

Just made this one up as I went along. Turned out better than I thought it would. Just used the left over green paint from yesterday, only adding some black and some white for shading.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Plant on Mound"

The leaves started out as practice. Then I put them on a mound. I am gravitating towards mounds, lately. Hmmm?!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

"Pollution" Acrylic on paper. 10" x 14"

Loft temp: 46 deg F
Outside temp: 32
Enclosure: 62

Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Tropical Plants" Acrylic on paper. 7" x 8"

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Played pool. Hung more drywall. Framed a few more paintings. Organized the entire loft space. Played another few games of pool. Ate a cup of cottage cheese. Played some more pool. Painted this picture. Played some pool, again. Ate some garlic-pistachios and a banana. Washed my brushes and palettes. 8 hours. Drove to China Star. Ate large quantity of fried Chinese food. A good day!

Friday, January 15, 2010

"Eggcoon" Acrylic on paper, 8" x 7"

A grumpy week ended with a bright note. This is the artist's personal favorite thus far. Hung some more drywall. Plan on doing some more work to the loft tomorrow. If anyone has any old frames they do not want, I'll take them. Any size, any condition.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Abstract" Watercolor, approx. 8" x 27"

Hung some drywall last night and tonight. Doesn't leave much time for painting. Also out of paper. Must buy more tomorrow. It sure will be nice when the weather warms up and the studio is set up better. Making do for now. The loft got up to 45 today.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Desire" Watercolor, 9 1/2" x 12"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Aurora Borealis" Watercolor, 8" x 12"

There are other things I could be doing. But I needed to do something to express creative side. Years have gone by wanting to paint but not doing it. How will this play out?

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Boat" Acrylic on paper. 3 1/2" x 5"

Starting to feel it. The old skills is a comin' back.
Need to master the small pic if I am to have life outside this daily painting thing.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Flower bush" Acrylic on paper

I bleed for my art. Literally. Cut the tip of the left pointer finger making ad hoc mats for framing. Thought about doing a 'real blood' painting. Should have.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"Creation" Watercolor with a bit of acrylic on paper

This is an older one. The figure in the center was added today. Also, another pic was started today and a long term work was begun several days ago. Having several paintings in the works should make things easier as the year progresses.

Friday, January 8, 2010

"Masked Man" Acrylic on paper

Tribal masks are fascinating. This painting, envisioned while at work, turned about like it was imagined.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Angst" Acrylic on paper

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Fish" Acrylic on paper.

This one is cropped. Which cut off the signature. I thought it looked better. The enclosure got up to 68 degrees today. Niceness!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Study in Contrast" Acrylic on paper

This one was fun. Just experimenting with color. My new enclosure heated up to 58 degrees. Much more relaxing!

Monday, January 4, 2010

"Lost Love" Acrylic on paper

Having trouble with the font. hmm. Not much time to paint tonight. Building this structure took up alot of time. These simple landscapes make quick work, but looking forward to really sinking the teeth into a painting.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Kwajalein Memory" Acrylic on paper.
Well, I did not like this one at first, but it grew on me. I started two others after this, so at least I'm beginning to roll with the process. It was 37 deg in the loft today. Had some guests stop by and they promptly got in my warmed up tent. I made them get out so they could experience the full effect off the cold I am working in. Freezing hands makes it hard to paint. I was thinking of Kwajalein Atoll when I painted this; where I lived for 3 years. I don't wish I was back there very often, but on a day like today... global warming? ha

Saturday, January 2, 2010

"Desert Spirit"

38 degrees today. Inside. Makes it hard to relax and paint slowly.
Not sure where the motivation for this one came from. But it's ghostly sexy!
I have been painting on the drafting table, in the pic, on the right.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Here it is! The first of 365 paintings. This one is a watercolor titled "Storm root". Took about 2 hours. I did not know what to paint so I just put brush to paper. I used to do paintings like this to practice; using a t-square to guide the brush. Had to use a piece of wood this time. Took awhile to get started. And the room is 42 deg so my hands got a bit cold. I put up a tent, covered it in a blanket and placed a space heater in it. It warmed up to 70 deg almost instantly. I used it twice to warm up while painting. Also, the paint dries a lot slower in the cold. This gives you more time to work at blending colors into one another.